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  • Chris 6:53 pm on April 21, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , thick-patty   

    Alamo Springs Doesn’t Disappoint 

    Made another annual stop at Alamo Springs Cafe, south of Fredericksburg.  Much better experience this time that the previous trip, where we waited for 2 hrs for food to arrive at our table, as we watched angry patrons get up and leave after similar waits.  The lax attitude is expected here, but the 2hr marathon wait was a bit much.

    This time, we found a table immediatley, were greeted by the friendly nose-ringed waitress and got our food within about 20 minutes.  And it was as good as ever.  Can’t say I’ve had a burger of this sort in Austin.  It’s a half pound at least of griddled beef that stays on the well-seasoned griddle long enough to form a very nice crust.  This is the proper way to cook a griddle burger.  None of the griddle-burger places in Austin that I frequent achieve this kind of crust.  Hopdoddy should be taking notes.

    My burger was a bit overcooked, but even then, it was still very very juicy and delicious.

    Recommend a visit if you’re out Fredericksburg way.

    Alamo Springs Cafe Fries and Onion Rings

    Competent Sides

    Alamo Springs Cafe Green Chile Cheeseburger

    Green Chile Cheeseburger

    Alamo Springs Cafe Burger


    Alamo Springs Cafe Griddle

    Where the Magic Happens




  • Chris 8:58 pm on March 13, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , thick-patty   

    Best Burger in a Long Time at Épicerie 

    Just had dinner at the new Épicerie Cafe & Grocery on Hancock this evening.  Delicious burger.  Thick patty, beefy flavor, juicy, well-cooked, “Vermont cheddar”, nice crust on the patty.  Overall, just a very tasty and satisfying burger.  Fries good.  This is by far the best burger I have had in Austin in quite some time.

    I also like the setup here–no wait staff.  You order at the counter.  You grab some silverware (and cloth napkin) from a shelf.  You fill you own water.  It’s very simple and pleasant.  The place is small so it feels like you are eating at home almost.

    Unfortunately was too dark for any good pix, but I’ll be back :)


  • Chris 12:16 pm on April 19, 2012 Permalink | Reply
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    In the Buns Update 

    First trip back to In the Buns since they were sold. A few cosmetic changes have been made, all positive in my view. The interior is much more inviting –no more chain link fence around the kitchen area, tables are larger, most of the flower sculptures are gone (I guess they left a few as a nod to the original decor), and there are booths along one wall.  All in all, they have softened the place up a bit.  Much more appealing than before.

    One other difference is that the cheeseburger comes with the cheese on top, instead of embedded in the patty.  I kind of liked the unique embedded cheese method, but the current burger incarnation is still good.

    Burger still generously sized and tasty.


    In the Buns Cheeseburger & Fresh Cut Fries

    In the Buns Cheeseburger & Fresh Cut Fries


    In the Buns Interior


    In the Buns Interior



  • Chris 10:47 am on May 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply
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    In the Buns Burger Joint 

    Read on Chowhound about a new burger place just minutes from my office so had to give it a try.  Overall I was quite impressed with the burger.  It was very juicy and was a good size–6oz–no thin patty here.  Cooked on a griddle, nice crust development.  The cheeseburger has the cheese mixed into the meat instead of sitting on top…not sure about this technique, but at least they offer cheddar and other real cheese (non American) options.  The bun was good–well toasted, held up to the burger but was not overly bready, and was also top-toasted on the griddle, always a nice touch.

    They offer an array of quality sugar-cane soda options at the fountain–Maine Root sodas, and Dublin Dr. Pepper on tap.

    On the flip side, I thought the fries were pretty much terrible.  They were edible, but were run of the mill frozen curly fries.  Also not a fan of the interior and the tiny tables with the annoying flower sculptures.  The combo price, at $9+ after tax, is a bit steep as well.

    Overall, very good burger.  If they switched to fresh fries made in-house, I’d find it difficult to stay away.

    Check them out on Facebook (they don’t appear to have a dedicated website). Their Yelp entry has quite a few photos.


    View Larger Map

    In the Buns Burger Joint burger

    As delivered--note bun top toasting

    In the Buns Burger Joint burger

    Nice crust development! Nice bun toasting as well.

    In the Buns Burger Joint burger

    Note cheese oozing out from within

    In the Buns Burger Joint burger

    Cross section showing cheddar distribution

    In the Buns Burger Joint fries

    Boring fries

    In the Buns Burger Joint sodas

    Dublin Dr. Pepper on tap!

    In the Buns Burger Joint interior

    Tables too small

    In the Buns Burger Joint sculpture

    Not a fan of these table sculptures...seem to be in the way

    In the Buns Burger Joint counter

    Order up

    In the Buns Burger Joint exterior

    They need better signage

    In the Buns Burger Joint

    In the Buns Burger Joint

    Blurry cross section...need a new camera

    • Jim Howard 3:44 pm on August 26, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I live in Anderson Mill, and had no idea these guys were here! I’ll check them out this weekend, thanks.

  • Chris 9:20 am on August 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , thick-patty, wood fire   

    A Visit to Max Parfait 

    Max Parfait Hamburger TrailerFinally made it out to the HOPE Farmers Market on Sunday to cash in my Max Parfait LunchDeal coupon.  Overall, tasty burger, cooked well (still pink–see pix below) and good fries.  The bun is homemade and is nicely toasted on the grill (exterior bun grill marks is a major plus).  The burger patty is thick but not huge–I found the burger size to be just right–and is laced with some herbs, as you can see in the cross section picture below.  Had a good flavor.  I’m generally not a fan of mixing stuff into the meat before cooking, but this worked well.  Nothing overpowering in the spices.  The beef is cooked over pecan wood, which is a plus.  I got the cheeseburger (with cheddar, of course), which I recommend, but was a bit taken aback by the $1 surcharge for cheese (seems a tad steep, but I imagine it’s quality cheese).

    Fries are called “Belgian Fries”.  Not clear on what makes a fry Belgian (I did find some info at belgianfries.com, of all places, but no way to know if this is authoritative), but these were delicious, had a slightly sweet taste to me, and were seasoned with just the right amount of salt.  They fry them in olive oil.

    On the downside, it took a long time to get our food, but it’s a small trailer and of course everything is made to order, so it takes a while.  And the HOPE Farmers Market was not the most inviting environment on a hot August day.  Dusty hot surroundings.  Unkempt Austin Hippies wandering about, Yoga occurring inside one of the unconditioned spaces, incense wafting from another, etc.  There was a pleasant band playing there, which was a plus, but I found the farmers market very run down feeling, and hot, and dusty, and…hot.  Maybe it’s more pleasant during the spring at the height of the produce season.

    Oh yeah, also sampled the portabella sandwich, was good.

    So, would definitely eat at Max Parfait again.  Would love to see them land in a Brick and Mortar location with some air conditioning!  Currently, you can find the Max Parfait trailer at the Barton Creek Farmers Market on Saturdays, and the HOPE Farmers Market on Sundays.  Check their website for the latest details or follow them on twitter.  Hopefully they can aim that trailer up north during the weekdays.

    Max Parfait Trailer

    The Trailer

    HOPE Farmers Market

    The Setting (Hot)

    HOPE Farmers Market Vegetables

    The Veggies

    HOPE Farmers Market Band

    The Band (they were good!)

    Max Parfait Trailer Menu

    The Menu

    Max Parfait Belgian Fries

    The Fries (Delicious)

    Max Parfait Belgian Fries

    The Fries (Detail)

    Max Parfait Cheeseburger

    The Burger (note bun scrapage from over-grilling)

    Max Parfait Cheeseburger

    The Burger (with Cheddar)

    Max Parfait Cheeseburger

    The Burger (Cross Section)

    Max Parfait Portabella Sandwich

    The Portabella Sandwich

    • Max Parfait 9:42 am on August 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Hey Chris…thanks for making down to see us. It sounds like we didn’t bring our “A” game for you. I’m really sorry about that. We’re still working out some kinks, and hopefully your next visit can be a big improvement.

      Regarding the cheese, yes, it is a premium aged cheddar…a little pricier, but I think it’s well worth it for the flavor it gives the burger.

      We’ll keep our eyes open for potential locations up north…please say hello next time you stop by!

      • Chris 1:50 pm on August 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply

        No worries, everything tasted great. Will be back, but might try the Barton Creek farmers market next time 😉

        • Tim 5:50 pm on June 24, 2011 Permalink | Reply

          Would you have any idea on how to get a hold of the old 2Js special sauce?

  • Chris 3:51 pm on November 18, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , thick-patty   

    NXNW Burger — Just OK 

    Had lunch at NXNW today. Fairly pricey burger was just ok. 1/2 lb, grilled, but not much grilled flavor. Burger was suspiciously perfectly circular and uniform in thickness. Fries appeared to be standard-issue frozen and then doused with garlic bits. Did not think the addition of garlic was a great idea. I like garlic, but would rather eat good fries au naturel.

    So, burger was just OK. Not up to the level of say a Houston’s burger, which is similar in size but far surpasses my North by Northwest burger in taste.

    North by Northwest
    10010 N Capital of Texas Hwy


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