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  • Chris 6:53 pm on April 21, 2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Alamo Springs Doesn’t Disappoint 

    Made another annual stop at Alamo Springs Cafe, south of Fredericksburg.  Much better experience this time that the previous trip, where we waited for 2 hrs for food to arrive at our table, as we watched angry patrons get up and leave after similar waits.  The lax attitude is expected here, but the 2hr marathon wait was a bit much.

    This time, we found a table immediatley, were greeted by the friendly nose-ringed waitress and got our food within about 20 minutes.  And it was as good as ever.  Can’t say I’ve had a burger of this sort in Austin.  It’s a half pound at least of griddled beef that stays on the well-seasoned griddle long enough to form a very nice crust.  This is the proper way to cook a griddle burger.  None of the griddle-burger places in Austin that I frequent achieve this kind of crust.  Hopdoddy should be taking notes.

    My burger was a bit overcooked, but even then, it was still very very juicy and delicious.

    Recommend a visit if you’re out Fredericksburg way.

    Alamo Springs Cafe Fries and Onion Rings

    Competent Sides

    Alamo Springs Cafe Green Chile Cheeseburger

    Green Chile Cheeseburger

    Alamo Springs Cafe Burger


    Alamo Springs Cafe Griddle

    Where the Magic Happens




  • Chris 3:20 pm on October 27, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Alamo Springs Cafe (near Fredericksburg) 

    Texas Monthly Burger CoverThis is a bit far afield from Austin, but we figured it merited a post due to its relative proximity combined with its Texas Monthly cover.  It earned the #3 spot in their Best Burgers issue.  Stopped in on the way home from a trip to Enchanted Rock.

    The service rode that fine line between “charming” and “annoying”.  We asked for water glasses shortly after sitting down (every other table seemed to have tall glasses of ice water) and were told by the waitress that she would have to wash some glasses if we wanted that.  How about some bottled water from the cooler instead?  My dad ordered a milkshake.  Oops, “out of ice cream”.  Then later, our waitress was actually on a personal phone call as she delivered our dessert.  She was speaking to the person on the other end as she handed us the plate.

    Service aside, the burger was very good, but not even close to living up to the cover image.  It was very sloppy, and the bun did not stand up to the onslaught of juices.  But everyone enjoyed them.  Tasty, juicy, some crust from the griddle.  Burgers are cooked using the “smash” method (a ball o’ meat is plopped on the griddle and is smashed right there into a patty), on a fairly tiny griddle.  Fries were ok, nothing outstanding.  Onion rings had good flavor, but were way too light on the breading.

    Worth a stop if you are near Fredericksburg.

    Kuntry Kafe style interior

    Kuntry Kafe style interior

    Not quite like the cover image

    Not quite like the cover image

    Muchos green chiles

    Muchos green chiles

    Serviceable fries

    Serviceable fries

    Too light on the breading

    Too light on the breading

    Oreo cheesecake

    Oreo cheesecake

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