Updates from August, 2011 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Chris 8:55 am on August 23, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    Hat Creek Deal 

    This one is priced right–pay $3 for $6 of grub.  Good through 11/23/11.  And as always, the Fb terms indicate that even if you don’t use it before expiration, the face value of the voucher ($3) is still redeemable after that date: “After the end of the promotional period, the Voucher may be redeemed for goods or services in the amount originally paid.”


  • Chris 12:43 pm on December 16, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    Hat Creek Expansion Plans 

    An article in today’s Statesman details expansion plans for Hat Creek Burgers.  Upshot: 5-10 more locations planned, with a “flagship” location in Westlake where those pink flamingos currently reside.  UT-area location due to open first, early next year.  Thumbs up from ABN…we love Hat Creek!

    Most interesting comment on the story: “At least there won’t be many smelly hippies there.


    Hat Creek Cheeseburger

    Why we like Hat Creek (yes, that's real cheddar, folks)!

  • Chris 10:36 pm on July 12, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Hat Creek Discount 

    Hat Creek discount: “Hat Creek Burger Co. ‎#BurgerDeal, Tomorrow Tuesday (7/13) and Wednesday (7/14) mention this tweet/post to get 50% off any burger with Cheddar Cheese!!”

  • Chris 4:03 pm on October 19, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Hat Creek Fully Open 

    Hat Creek on Burnet is now open for business.  Last week they had a “soft opening” with drive-through only service.

  • Chris 2:49 pm on October 16, 2009 Permalink | Reply
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    Hat Creek Burger Co. Open on Burnet 

    I read online this morning that the drive through at Hat Creek’s new location on Burnet (in the home of the old Arby’s) was open for business.  Have been looking forward to checking them out.  They have a trailer near campus, but I’m rarely down there so have never tried their burgers, and have been awaiting the opening of this new location.  It did not disappoint today.

    Service was quick, no sign that they aren’t even fully open yet.  I opted for the “Big Creek Burger”, which consists of two of their 1/5 lb patties.  Burger was extremely juicy and tasty.  Fries were great.  All-in-all, a delicious burger combo.  Looking forward to the full opening.

    Full review at auslunch.com.

    Hat Creek Burger Co

    Big Hat Burger with Cheddar

    Big Hat Burger with Cheddar

    Fry Detail

    Fry Detail

    Burnet Road

    Burnet Road Setting

    • Hamburglar 4:37 pm on November 1, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      Had the same as pictured above. Agree that the burger is quite tasty, although it does not travel so well. By the time the burger arrived home, the lettuce had become flat and limp, same with the meager slice of onion. The pickles held up well, were good, and of an appropriate quantity. The cheddar added a nice sharpness to the overall burger taste. Don’t recall much detail about the bun, other than it seemed to hold up well throughout the meal. All and all a good burger that is probably better enjoyed hot and fresh on the premises.

      The standout to the meal were the french fries. Thin sliced, with plenty of evidence of the skins being left on, they were perfectly crisp on the outside. Unlike the burger, they traveled well and were still in great condition upon arrival at home. Only complaint would be the average size of each fry, as we tended to end up with many small pieces that were not as conducive to ketchup dipping.

      Hat Creek would become a go to burger stop if not for the stiff competition of both Hillbert’s and Top Notch, both of whom are less than a mile from the house. Hat Creek’s burger does not stand out enough to have me go the extra mile past the above mentioned burger joints. I will surely drop in from time to time, but location and proximity of other burger favorites will preclude me from becoming a Hat Creek regular.

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