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  • Chris 3:16 pm on November 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Mooyah Coming Back 

    Looks like Dallas-based Mooyah is going to try the Austin market…again, according to this Austin Business Journal article.  They had a location at 183 & Burnet that did not last too long and closed maybe a year ago.  The one time I tried it did not entice me to return.  Seems like a 5 Guys clone more or less.

    Disturbing note from the article:

    their hamburger patties are made from 100 percent fresh lean American beef

    Hmmm, lean beef is not a good sign!

  • Chris 9:17 am on October 29, 2009 Permalink | Reply

    Mooyah has become “Geaux Burger” 

    Read reports online that the Mooyah on Burnet, near 183, has changed its name to  “Geaux Burger”.  Apparently the food is about the same, decor has changed.  I was not a fan of Mooyah when I went shortly after they opened, will have to see if the food is any better now.

    Looks like geauxburger.com has been registered to someone with the same address as Mooyah (9070 Burnet), so I presume a website is in the works (nothing there yet).

    The Burnet location is still listed at the mooyah.com site.  Strange.

    • Nate Griffin 12:52 pm on November 17, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      I was really confused when i went to Mooyah for lunch today. I figured this Mooya’s went under and was bought out, so I didn’t even bother going in. I dont’ get how an LSU themed restaurant will do better than the Mooya name.

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